The Challenge

Lagos State Water Regulatory Commission (LASWARCO) faced a complex landscape of managing water regulation data while ensuring efficient stakeholder engagement. Manual processes, data inaccuracies, and challenges in communication hindered their operations.

Our Solution

WebPro partnered with LASWARCO to develop a cutting-edge digital platform that transformed their operations. Our advanced data management system streamlined processes, improved data accuracy, and enhanced public interaction.

Key Features:

  • Centralized Data Repository: Consolidating water-related data for efficient management and analysis.
  • Automated Workflow Management: Streamlining permit issuance, renewal, and compliance processes.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Providing real-time insights into water consumption, quality, and regulatory compliance.
  • Public Engagement Portal: Facilitating communication between LASWARCO and the public.


  • 40% Improvement in Data Accuracy: Ensuring reliable and trustworthy water data.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlining processes and reducing manual tasks.
  • Improved Stakeholder Engagement: Fostering transparency and building trust with the public.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Supporting informed decision-making for effective water resource management.

Client Testimonial

"WebPro’s solution has been instrumental in transforming LASWARCO into a data-driven organization. The platform has significantly improved our ability to regulate the water sector effectively, while also enhancing transparency and accountability." - Mrs. Funke Adepoju, Executive Secretary, LASWARCO

By leveraging technology, LASWARCO has become a more efficient and effective regulator, capable of delivering better services to its citizens.

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15 August 2024


System Automation, Web Development, Web Portals
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WebPro delivers innovative digital solutions, specialising in automation, web and mobile development, web portals, digital marketing, and branding to drive growth.